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Epic Blue

Next-generation indoor & outdoor positioning solution

  • Most disruptive innovator award Deloitte Fast 50
  • First wearable that uses AI for accurate positioning in GPS-denied environments
  • Winner of GSA's "Space for Being Safe & Healthy" challenge 2020

In a nutshell

Emergency workers such as firefighters now disappear from the radar when they enter a burning building due to GPS being denied or jammed. The same happens to miners deep underground or industrial workers behind thick metal doors. Epic Blue offers a solution. Shyn is the first wearable that uses Aritifical Intelligence for accurate positioning in GPS-denied environments. The device is suited for the most challenging environments.

As a Belgian pioneer of cutting-edge inertial positioning technology, Epic Blue has secured a place in the final of the prestigious First Responders Smart Tracking (FRST) Challenge. This challenge brings together technical teams and first responders to create solutions for indoor localization and tracking in a variety of buildings without any pre-deployed infrastructure. The final round will take place in October 2023 in the US, where a panel of esteemed judges will evaluate the competing innovations after a series of live field tests. With a total of $5.6 million in prize funds awarded across five phases of the competition, Epic Blue's wearable Shyn is ready to make a significant impact and emerge as the frontrunner in the competition.

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